ABOUT USOur team

Our human capital, our largest investment, our competitive advantage, our greatest asset
"Our team will go above and beyond to ensure the highest level of service and accuracy of our customer's important data and results. We want to become part of their R&D department and help them to develop their products in a closeness, comfortable, and reliable manner."

Mr. David González

Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
David González, MSc

David González, MSc

Chief Executive Officer
Implementing organization, vision and direction. Sales and business development. Results and final reports surveillance and validation.
Lucía Fernández, MSc

Lucía Fernández, MSc

Clinical Project Manager
Clinical testing in human volunteers. Panel recruitment, technical measurements, and clinical evaluation. ICH-GCP specialization.
Alejandro Pérez, PhD

Alejandro Pérez, PhD

Laboratory Manager
Laboratory management. In vitro testing and special biochemical tests. Scientific papers and final reports writing. Training lab technicians.
Eduardo Bernía, MD

Eduardo Bernía, MD

Associate Dermatologist
Dermatologist trained in the Valencian Institute of Oncology (IVO) and working in Sagunto's Hospital. Clinical surveillance and protocols' validation.
Jaime Moya, MD

Jaime Moya, MD

Associate Ophthalmologist
Ophthalmological assessment. Clinical surveillance and protocols' validation. "Ophthalmologically Tested" approval.
Fernando González, BBA

Fernando González, BBA

Clinical Administrative Officer
Administrative clinical support. Greeting and directing visitors. Organizing company records, and maintaining inventory. ICH-GCP specialization.
Daniel Molina, MSc

Daniel Molina, MSc

Quality & Project Manager
Monitoring project progress and set deadlines, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction. Data analysis and procedures evaluation.
Teresa León, MSc

Teresa León, MSc

Clinical Technician
Routine clinical testing in human volunteers, panel recruitment, technical measurements, and data processing. ICH-GCP specialization.
Paloma Rebollo, MSc

Paloma Rebollo, MSc

Laboratory Technician
Routine and stat in vitro testing. Human cell cultures & special biochemical tests (qPCR, ELISA, microscopy, flow cytometry...).
Sara Murillo, FPII

Sara Murillo, FPII

Clinical Technician Jr.
Clinical testing in human volunteers, volunteers' training and follow-up, aesthetical procedures, technical measurements.
Antonella Scarzella, FPII

Antonella Scarzella, FPII

Accounting Administrative Assistant
Administrative and financial work. Reconcile accounts. Invoicing. Review of financial statements and adjustments.
Borja Garrido, BBA

Borja Garrido, BBA

Clinical Assisstant Jr.
Clinical testing in human volunteers, volunteers' training and follow-up, technical measurements, marketing & imaging.
Cristina Iñiguez, MSc

Cristina Iñiguez, MSc

Laboratory Technician
Routine and stat in vitro testing. Human cell cultures & special biochemical tests (qPCR, ELISA, microscopy, flow cytometry...).

Esta empresa ha obtenido del Servicio Valencia de Empleo y Formación LABORA, ayudas de fomento de empleo destinadas a fomentar la contratación indefinida inicial de jóvenes cualificados beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil, Línea ECOGJU, las siguientes subvenciones, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Social Europeo:

– Aprobada en fecha 04/10/2022 Expediente ECOGJU/2022/654/46 por 26.600 €


Esta empresa ha obtenido del Servicio Valencia de Empleo y Formación LABORA, ayudas de fomento de empleo destinadas a fomentar la contratación indefinida inicial de jóvenes cualificados beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil, Línea ECOGJU, las siguientes subvenciones, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Social Europeo:

– Aprobada en fecha 13/11/2023 Expediente ECOGJU/2023/979/46 por 28.728 €

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